- 아래의 내용들을 토대로 Robot의 전체적인 Software 구성
[KUSMO] 11/4 (Navigation Stack 구성법)
로봇의 ROS Navigaion Stack 구성 Navigation stack은 로봇을 시작점에서부터 목적지까지 안전하게 움직일 수 있게 하는 소프트웨어의 집합 http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup
- 사용중인 모터 드라이버의 ROS Package clone
- https://github.com/YoungSeong98/md
GitHub - YoungSeong98/md
Contribute to YoungSeong98/md development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - wookbin/iahrs_driver: iahrs ros package
iahrs ros package. Contribute to wookbin/iahrs_driver development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - Slamtec/rplidar_ros
Contribute to Slamtec/rplidar_ros development by creating an account on GitHub.
- Sensor 전체의 USB Port 설정
- https://youngseong.tistory.com/121
- 위 내용을 토대로 각 sensor에 대한 symbolic link를 생성
[RIS] 1/2 (USB 장치의 Symbolic Link 생성법)
- USB Port 설정법 각 센서를 제작한 회사에서 지원하는 프로그램을 이용하여 윈도우에서 USB Port의 Serial을 변경 $ ls -al /dev/serial/by-id USB 장치에 부여된 이름 확인 (터미널 창 사진 추가) $ lsusb 위 명
$ cd /etc/udev/rules.d
$ sudo gedit portset.rules
- rules.d directory로 이동하여 port setting file 생성 후 각 sensor에 대한 설정 입력
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ea60",
ATTRS{serial}=="0011", SYMLINK+="ttyIMU", GROUP="ris", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ea60",
ATTRS{serial}=="0010", SYMLINK+="ttyRPLidar", GROUP="ris", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001",
ATTRS{serial}=="A10LT0DR", SYMLINK+="ttyRS485", GROUP="ris", MODE="0666"
- 정상 동작 여부 확인
- Navigation Stack 구성
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation
- ROS Navigation Stack 설치
$ rospack find amcl
- 제대로 설치되었는지 확인
- '/opt/ros/noetic/share/amcl' 가 출력되면 올바르게 설치가 된 것
- Package 생성
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ mkdir ris_bot
$ cd ris_bot
$ catkin_create_pkg navstack_pub rospy roscpp std_msgs tf tf2_ros geometry_msgs sensor_msgs nav_msgs move_base
- create the ris_bot folder and fnavstack_pub라는 이름의 패키지 생성
- navstack_pub가 package의 이름이고 뒤의 단어들은 dependency들을 의미
$ cd navstack_pub
$ mkdir param
$ gedit CMakeLists.txt
- 해당 패키지로 이동 후 param이라는 이름의 폴더 생성
- CMakeLists.txt 파일을 염
- C+11 사용을 위해 5번 줄의 '#' 제거
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps navstack_pub
- Package를 compile
- Launch file 구성
$ roscd navstack_pub
$ mkdir launch
$ cd launch
$ gedit ris_bot.launch
- 새로운 터미널 창을 열고 navstack_pub 패키지로 이동하여 launch directory 생성
- 해당 directory로 이동 후 launch 파일 생성
- 각 sensor들을 한번에 구동시키기 위해 각각의 launch file 내용을 입력
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Launch Iahrs -->
<param name="m_bSingle_TF_option" type="bool" value="true" /> <!--false-->
<node pkg="iahrs_driver" type="iahrs_driver" name="iahrs_driver" output="screen" />
<!-- Launch RPLidar -->
<node name="rplidarNode" pkg="rplidar_ros" type="rplidarNode" output="screen">
<param name="serial_port" type="string" value="/dev/ttyRPLidar"/>
<param name="serial_baudrate" type="int" value="115200"/><!--A1/A2 -->
<!--param name="serial_baudrate" type="int" value="256000"--><!--A3 -->
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="laser"/>
<param name="inverted" type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="angle_compensate" type="bool" value="true"/>
<!-- Launch MD200T -->
<node pkg="md" type="md_robot_node" name="md_robot_node" output="screen">
<param name = "use_MDUI" value = "0"/> <!-- 0: not use MDUI, 1: use MDUI -->
<param name = "wheel_radius" value = "0.0935"/> <!-- unit: meter -->
<param name = "wheel_length" value = "0.454"/> <!-- unit: meter -->
<param name = "motor_pole" value = "10"/>
<param name = "reduction" value = "30"/>
<param name = "reverse_direction" value = "0"/> <!-- 0: forward, 1: reverse -->
<param name = "maxrpm" value = "1000"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
<param name = "motor_posi" value = "0"/> <!-- motor pisition 0: hall sensor, 1: encoder -->
<param name = "encoder_PPR" value = "16384"/> <!-- if use encoder position, encoder PPR -->
<param name = "position_proportion_gain" value = "20"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "speed_proportion_gain" value = "50"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "integral_gain" value = "1800"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "slow_start" value = "300"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
<param name = "slow_down" value = "300"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
- TF (Transformation) 구성
<!-- Transformation Configuration -->
<!-- Use static transform publisher because each frames doesn`t change through time-->
<!-- static_transform_publisher, broadcaster name, x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_frame_id period_in_ms -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_to_laser" args="-0.15 0 0.13 0 0 0 base_link laser 30" />
<!-- base_link to imu_link will be provided by the iahrs_driver -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_footprint base_link 30" />
<!-- odom to base_footprint transform will be provided by the robot_pose_ekf node -->
<!-- map to odom will be provided by the AMCL -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_to_odom" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 map odom 30" />
- 각 sensor들의 상대 거리를 측정한 후 robot의 base_link를 기준으로 상대값 입력
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps navstack_pub
- Package compile
$ roslaunch navstack_pub ris_bot.launch
- 새로운 터미널 창을 연 후 launch file을 실행시킨다
- 정상 동작 확인
- Move base의 parameter 구성
1) Common Configuration : Global / Local costmap이 모두 사용하는 parameter들 구성
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ roscd navstack_pub
$ cd param
$ gedit costmap_common_params.yaml
- navstack_pub 패키지로 이동하여 costmap_common_params.yaml 생성
- 다른 params file들도 같은 directory에 작성
- 그 후 아래 내용들 입력
obstacle_range: 0.5
raytrace_range: 0.5
footprint: [[-0.14, -0.14], [-0.14, 0.14], [0.14, 0.14], [0.14, -0.14]]
map_topic: /map
subscribe_to_updates: true
global_frame: odom # costmap이 작동할 때의 global frame. /map이 기본값
robot_base_frame: base_link
update_frequency: 30.0
publish_frequency: 30.0
rolling_window: false # costmap의 rolling window version 사용 여부를 결정
# static_map parameter가 true이면 이 parameter는 false이어야 함
# rolling window 사용시 주행 환경을 costmap을 통해 전체적으로 나타내지 않고
# 로봇 주변의 반경 일부만 나타냄
plugins: # costmap_2d layer에 사용되는 plugin의 parameter namespace 정의를 위해 사용
# ROS는 layer를 통해 parameter들을 분리함
- {name: static_layer, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
- {name: obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
map_topic: /map
subscribe_to_updates: false
observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: laser, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true}
inflation_radius: 0.2
2) Global Configuration(Global Costmap) : Global costmap이 사용하는 parameter들 구성
$ gedit global_costmap_params.yaml
global_frame: odom
update_frequency: 30.0
publish_frequency: 30.0
transform_tolerance: 0.2
resolution: 0.1
3) Local Configuration(Local Costmap) : Local costmap이 사용하는 parameter들 구성
$ gedit local_costmap_params.yaml
update_frequency: 30.0
publish_frequency: 30.0
transform_tolerance: 0.2
static_map: false # costmap을 초기화 할 때 static map 사용 여부를 결정
rolling_window: true
resolution: 0.1
inflation_radius: 0.1
width: 1.0
height: 1.0
- {name: obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: laser, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true}
4) Base Local Planner Configuration : Base local planner는 robot base controller로 보내진 velocity commands를 계산하는 패키지로써, Global plan을 계산하고 실행하기 위해 Trajectory Rollout과 DWA(Dynamic Window Approaches) 알고리즘을 제공하는 패키지이다.
- Trajectory Rollout은 로봇의 가속도 제한 내에서 주어진 모든 시뮬레이션에 걸친 속도의 집합을 sampling 하는 반면, DWA는 한 스텝의 시뮬레이션만을 사용함
- base_local_planner 패키지에 사용되는 값들은 어떤 로봇을 사용하냐에 따라 달라짐
$ gedit base_local_planner_params.yaml
max_vel_x: 0.12
min_vel_x: 0.11
#max_vel_theta: 0.05
#min_vel_theta: -0.05
#min_in_place_vel_theta: 0.05
#acc_lim_theta: 0.07
#acc_lim_x: 0.25
#acc_lim_Y: 0.25
holonomic_robot: false
meter_scoring: true
xy_goal_tolerance: 0.15
yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25
- Set up localization stack
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ris_bot
$ catkin_create_pkg localization_data_pub rospy roscpp std_msgs tf tf2_ros geometry_msgs sensor_msgs nav_msgs
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub
- ris_bot 폴더에 localization_data_pub package 생성 후 compile
$ cd /src/ris_bot/localization_data_pub
$ geit CMakeLists.txt
- Package 내부로 이동하여 CMakeLists.txt 실행 후 5번째 줄의 해시태그를 제거하여 C++11 사용을 가능하게 함
- 아래의 두 topic들을 publish하는 node를 생성
- /initial_2d : odometry publisher가 subscribe하는 topic (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- Navigation stack의 localization system을 통해 실제 로봇의 pose를 설정할 수 있게 함
- /goal_2d : 후에 생성할 path planner node가 subscribe할 topic (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- Robot의 목표 pose를 설정하여 navigation에 goal을 보낼 수 있게 함
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ris_bot/localization_data_pub/src
$ gedit rviz_click_to_2d.cpp
- localization package의 src 폴더로 이동하여 rviz_click_to_2d.cpp 파일 생성 후 아래 코드 입력
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h"
#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Initialize ROS publishers
ros::Publisher pub;
ros::Publisher pub2;
// Take move_base_simple/goal as input and publish goal_2d
void handle_goal(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &goal) {
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rpyGoal;
rpyGoal.header.frame_id = "map";
rpyGoal.header.stamp = goal.header.stamp;
rpyGoal.pose.position.x = goal.pose.position.x;
rpyGoal.pose.position.y = goal.pose.position.y;
rpyGoal.pose.position.z = 0;
tf::Quaternion q(0, 0, goal.pose.orientation.z, goal.pose.orientation.w);
tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
double roll, pitch, yaw;
m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
rpyGoal.pose.orientation.x = 0;
rpyGoal.pose.orientation.y = 0;
rpyGoal.pose.orientation.z = yaw;
rpyGoal.pose.orientation.w = 0;
// Take initialpose as input and publish initial_2d
void handle_initial_pose(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped &pose) {
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rpyPose;
rpyPose.header.frame_id = "map";
rpyPose.header.stamp = pose.header.stamp;
rpyPose.pose.position.x = pose.pose.pose.position.x;
rpyPose.pose.position.y = pose.pose.pose.position.y;
rpyPose.pose.position.z = 0;
tf::Quaternion q(0, 0, pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.pose.orientation.w);
tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
double roll, pitch, yaw;
m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
rpyPose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
rpyPose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
rpyPose.pose.orientation.z = yaw;
rpyPose.pose.orientation.w = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "rviz_click_to_2d");
ros::NodeHandle node;
pub = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("goal_2d", 0);
pub2 = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("initial_2d", 0);
ros::Subscriber sub = node.subscribe("move_base_simple/goal", 0, handle_goal);
ros::Subscriber sub2 = node.subscribe("initialpose", 0, handle_initial_pose);
ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
while (ros::ok()) {
return 0;
$ cd ..
$ gedit CMakeLists.txt
- 이전directory로 이동하여 CMakeLists.txt 파일을 열고 아래 내용을 마지막 부분에 입력
add_executable(rviz_click_to_2d src/rviz_click_to_2d.cpp)
target_link_libraries(rviz_click_to_2d ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub
- Package Compile
$ roscore
$ rosrun localization_data_pub rviz_click_to_2d
$ rviz
$ rostopic echo /initial_2d
$ rostopic echo /goal_2d
- 정상 동작 확인
<!-- Initial Pose and Goal Publisher -->
<!-- Publish: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
<!-- Subscribe: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
<!-- Publish: /initial_2d, /goal_2d -->
<!-- Launch rviz_click_to_2d node -->
<node pkg="localization_data" type="rviz_click_to_2d" name="rviz_click_to_2d">
- Navstack의 launch file에 해당 파일을 불러오는 내용 입력
- Wheel Encoder Data를 통해 Odometry를 Publish하는 Publisher 생성
- 해당 node는 아래의 topic들을 subscribe함
- /right_ticks : 오른쪽 motor의 encoder로부터의 tick counts (std_msgs / Int16)
- /left_ticks : 왼쪽 motor의 encoder로부터의 tick counts (std_msgs / Int16)
- /initial_2d : Robot의 2D initial position과 방향
- Publisher는 아래의 topic에 odometry data를 publish함
- /odom_data_euler : 위치, 속도 estimate. orientation.z 변수는 yaw 각을 나타내는 Euler angle (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- /odom_data_quat : 위치, 속도 estimate. Orientation은 quaternion format으로 표현된다 (nav_msgs/Odometry)
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ris_bot/localization_data_pub/src
$ gedit ekf_odom_pub.cpp
- localization package로 이동하여 ekf_odom_pub.cpp 파일 생성 후 아래 코드 입력
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/Int16.h"
#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h>
#include <tf2_ros/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <cmath>
// Create odometry data publishers
ros::Publisher odom_data_pub;
ros::Publisher odom_data_pub_quat;
nav_msgs::Odometry odomNew;
nav_msgs::Odometry odomOld;
// Initial pose
const double initialX = 0.0;
const double initialY = 0.0;
const double initialTheta = 0.00000000001;
const double PI = 3.141592;
// Robot physical constants
const double TICKS_PER_REVOLUTION = 620; // For reference purposes.
const double WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.033; // Wheel radius in meters
const double WHEEL_BASE = 0.17; // Center of left tire to center of right tire
const double TICKS_PER_METER = 3100; // Original was 2800
// Distance both wheels have traveled
double distanceLeft = 0;
double distanceRight = 0;
// Flag to see if initial pose has been received
bool initialPoseRecieved = false;
using namespace std;
// Get initial_2d message from either Rviz clicks or a manual pose publisher
void set_initial_2d(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &rvizClick) {
odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = rvizClick.pose.position.x;
odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = rvizClick.pose.position.y;
odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = rvizClick.pose.orientation.z;
initialPoseRecieved = true;
// Calculate the distance the left wheel has traveled since the last cycle
void Calc_Left(const std_msgs::Int16& leftCount) {
static int lastCountL = 0;
if(leftCount.data != 0 && lastCountL != 0) {
int leftTicks = (leftCount.data - lastCountL);
if (leftTicks > 10000) {
leftTicks = 0 - (65535 - leftTicks);
else if (leftTicks < -10000) {
leftTicks = 65535-leftTicks;
distanceLeft = leftTicks/TICKS_PER_METER;
lastCountL = leftCount.data;
// Calculate the distance the right wheel has traveled since the last cycle
void Calc_Right(const std_msgs::Int16& rightCount) {
static int lastCountR = 0;
if(rightCount.data != 0 && lastCountR != 0) {
int rightTicks = rightCount.data - lastCountR;
if (rightTicks > 10000) {
distanceRight = (0 - (65535 - distanceRight))/TICKS_PER_METER;
else if (rightTicks < -10000) {
rightTicks = 65535 - rightTicks;
distanceRight = rightTicks/TICKS_PER_METER;
lastCountR = rightCount.data;
// Publish a nav_msgs::Odometry message in quaternion format
void publish_quat() {
tf2::Quaternion q;
q.setRPY(0, 0, odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z);
nav_msgs::Odometry quatOdom;
quatOdom.header.stamp = odomNew.header.stamp;
quatOdom.header.frame_id = "odom";
quatOdom.child_frame_id = "base_link";
quatOdom.pose.pose.position.x = odomNew.pose.pose.position.x;
quatOdom.pose.pose.position.y = odomNew.pose.pose.position.y;
quatOdom.pose.pose.position.z = odomNew.pose.pose.position.z;
quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q.x();
quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q.y();
quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q.z();
quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q.w();
quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.x = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x;
quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.y = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.y;
quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.z = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.z;
quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.x = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.x;
quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.y = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.y;
quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.z = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z;
for(int i = 0; i<36; i++) {
if(i == 0 || i == 7 || i == 14) {
quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] = .01;
else if (i == 21 || i == 28 || i== 35) {
quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] += 0.1;
else {
quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] = 0;
// Update odometry information
void update_odom() {
// Calculate the average distance
double cycleDistance = (distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2;
// Calculate the number of radians the robot has turned since the last cycle
double cycleAngle = asin((distanceRight-distanceLeft)/WHEEL_BASE);
// Average angle during the last cycle
double avgAngle = cycleAngle/2 + odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;
if (avgAngle > PI) {
avgAngle -= 2*PI;
else if (avgAngle < -PI) {
avgAngle += 2*PI;
// Calculate the new pose (x, y, and theta)
odomNew.pose.pose.position.x = odomOld.pose.pose.position.x + cos(avgAngle)*cycleDistance;
odomNew.pose.pose.position.y = odomOld.pose.pose.position.y + sin(avgAngle)*cycleDistance;
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z = cycleAngle + odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;
// Prevent lockup from a single bad cycle
if (isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.x) || isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.y)
|| isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.z)) {
odomNew.pose.pose.position.x = odomOld.pose.pose.position.x;
odomNew.pose.pose.position.y = odomOld.pose.pose.position.y;
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z = odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;
// Make sure theta stays in the correct range
if (odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z > PI) {
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z -= 2 * PI;
else if (odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z < -PI) {
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z += 2 * PI;
// Compute the velocity
odomNew.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x = cycleDistance/(odomNew.header.stamp.toSec() - odomOld.header.stamp.toSec());
odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z = cycleAngle/(odomNew.header.stamp.toSec() - odomOld.header.stamp.toSec());
// Save the pose data for the next cycle
odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = odomNew.pose.pose.position.x;
odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = odomNew.pose.pose.position.y;
odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z;
odomOld.header.stamp = odomNew.header.stamp;
// Publish the odometry message
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Set the data fields of the odometry message
odomNew.header.frame_id = "odom";
odomNew.pose.pose.position.z = 0;
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.linear.y = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.linear.z = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.angular.x = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.angular.y = 0;
odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z = 0;
odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = initialX;
odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = initialY;
odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = initialTheta;
// Launch ROS and create a node
ros::init(argc, argv, "ekf_odom_pub");
ros::NodeHandle node;
// Subscribe to ROS topics
ros::Subscriber subForRightCounts = node.subscribe("right_ticks", 100, Calc_Right, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber subForLeftCounts = node.subscribe("left_ticks", 100, Calc_Left, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber subInitialPose = node.subscribe("initial_2d", 1, set_initial_2d);
// Publisher of simple odom message where orientation.z is an euler angle
odom_data_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom_data_euler", 100);
// Publisher of full odom message where orientation is quaternion
odom_data_pub_quat = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom_data_quat", 100);
ros::Rate loop_rate(30);
while(ros::ok()) {
if(initialPoseRecieved) {
return 0;
- Wheel Encoder 값으로부터 Odometry 값을 계산한 후 Euler Angle과 Quaternion의 형태로 Publish 함
- 상위 Algorithm인 Extended Kalam Filter node에 Robot의 Motion에 대한 정보를 제공하는 입력으로 들어감
$ cd..
$ gedit CMakeLists.txt
- CMakeLists를 열고 파일의 끝부분에 아래 내용 입력
add_executable(ekf_odom_pub src/ekf_odom_pub.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ekf_odom_pub ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub
- Package Compile
<!-- Wheel Odometry Publisher -->
<!-- Subscribe: /right_ticks, /left_ticks, /initial_2d -->
<!-- Publish: /odom_data_euler, /odom_data_quat -->
<node pkg="localization_data" type="ekf_odom_pub" name="ekf_odom_pub">
- Navstack의 launch file에 해당 내용 입력
- ekf(Entended Kalman Filter) node 작성
- 보다 정확한 estimate를 위해 Extended Kalman Filter를 사용 (robot_pose_ekf package 사용)
- Robot이 움직임에 따른 위치와 방향을 보다 정확히 estimate하기 위해 필요한 improved된 odometry data를 생성하기 위해 odometry data (wheel Encoder의 tick counts)와 IMU sensor의 data를 통합
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-robot-pose-ekf
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
- robot_pose_ekf package 설치 후 compile
- robot_pose_ekf node는 아래의 topic들을 subscribe함
- /odom : wheel encoder의 tick count 정보로부터 얻은 위치와 속도 estimate .Orientation은 quaternion format임 (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- /imu_data : IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor로부터의 data
- robot_pose_ekf node는 아래의 topic들을 publish 함
- /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined : Filter의 output, robot의 3D estimated pose (geometry_msgs / PoseWIthCovarianceStamped)
- robot_pose_ekf node가 /odom, /imu_data이름으로 된 topic을 필요로 하므로 launch file에서 /odom_data_quat와 /imu/data topic에서 오는 data를 remap해야 함
<!-- Extended Kalman Filter from robot_pose_ekf Node-->
<!-- Subscribe: /odom, /imu_data, /vo -->
<!-- Publish: /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined -->
<remap from="odom" to="odom_data_quat" />
<remap from="imu_data" to="imu/data" />
<node pkg="robot_pose_ekf" type="robot_pose_ekf" name="robot_pose_ekf">
<param name="output_frame" value="odom"/>
<param name="base_footprint_frame" value="base_footprint"/>
<param name="freq" value="30.0"/>
<param name="sensor_timeout" value="1.0"/>
<param name="odom_used" value="true"/>
<param name="imu_used" value="true"/>
<param name="vo_used" value="false"/>
<param name="gps_used" value="false"/>
<param name="debug" value="false"/>
<param name="self_diagnose" value="false"/>
- Navigation Stack의 launch file에 EKF를 사용하는 내용 입력
<!-- Add AMCL example for differential drive robots for Localization -->
<!-- Subscribe: /scan, /tf, /initialpose, /map -->
<!-- Publish: /amcl_pose, /particlecloud, /tf -->
<include file="$(find amcl)/examples/amcl_diff.launch"/>
- Navigation Stack의 launch file에 AMCL의 amcl_diff.launch 예제를 불러오는 내용 입력
- SSH 사용을 위한 openssh-server 설치
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
- 설치 후 'ifconfig' 명령어를 통해 Xavier의 IP주소를 확인하고 PC에서 그 주소값을 통해 원격으로 접속
ssh ris@
- Navstack launch file의 전체 내용
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Transformation Configuration -->
<!-- Use static transform publisher because each frames doesn`t change through time-->
<!-- static_transform_publisher, broadcaster name, x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_frame_id period_in_ms -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_to_laser" args="0.15 0 0.13 0 0 0 base_link laser 30" />
<!-- base_link to imu_link will be provided by the iahrs_driver -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_footprint base_link 30" />
<!-- odom to base_footprint transform will be provided by the robot_pose_ekf node -->
<!-- map to odom will be provided by the AMCL -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_to_odom" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 map odom 30" />
<!-- Launch Iahrs -->
<param name="m_bSingle_TF_option" type="bool" value="true" /> <!--false-->
<node pkg="iahrs_driver" type="iahrs_driver" name="iahrs_driver" output="screen" />
<!-- Launch RPLidar -->
<node name="rplidarNode" pkg="rplidar_ros" type="rplidarNode" output="screen">
<param name="serial_port" type="string" value="/dev/ttyRPLidar"/>
<param name="serial_baudrate" type="int" value="115200"/><!--A1/A2 -->
<!--param name="serial_baudrate" type="int" value="256000"--><!--A3 -->
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="laser"/>
<param name="inverted" type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="angle_compensate" type="bool" value="true"/>
<!-- Launch MD200T -->
<node pkg="md" type="md_robot_node" name="md_robot_node" output="screen">
<param name = "use_MDUI" value = "0"/> <!-- 0: not use MDUI, 1: use MDUI -->
<param name = "wheel_radius" value = "0.0935"/> <!-- unit: meter -->
<param name = "wheel_length" value = "0.454"/> <!-- unit: meter -->
<param name = "motor_pole" value = "10"/>
<param name = "reduction" value = "30"/>
<param name = "reverse_direction" value = "0"/> <!-- 0: forward, 1: reverse -->
<param name = "maxrpm" value = "1000"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
<param name = "motor_posi" value = "0"/> <!-- motor pisition 0: hall sensor, 1: encoder -->
<param name = "encoder_PPR" value = "16384"/> <!-- if use encoder position, encoder PPR -->
<param name = "position_proportion_gain" value = "20"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "speed_proportion_gain" value = "50"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "integral_gain" value = "1800"/> <!-- reference PID 203(PID_GAIN) -->
<param name = "slow_start" value = "300"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
<param name = "slow_down" value = "300"/> <!-- unit: RPM -->
<!-- Initial Pose and Goal Publisher -->
<!-- Publish: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
<!-- Subscribe: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
<!-- Publish: /initial_2d, /goal_2d -->
<!-- Launch rviz_click_to_2d node -->
<node pkg="localization_data" type="rviz_click_to_2d" name="rviz_click_to_2d">
<!-- Wheel Odometry Publisher -->
<!-- Subscribe: /right_ticks, /left_ticks, /initial_2d -->
<!-- Publish: /odom_data_euler, /odom_data_quat -->
<node pkg="localization_data" type="ekf_odom_pub" name="ekf_odom_pub">
<!-- Extended Kalman Filter from robot_pose_ekf Node-->
<!-- Subscribe: /odom, /imu_data, /vo -->
<!-- Publish: /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined -->
<remap from="odom" to="odom_data_quat" />
<remap from="imu_data" to="imu/data" />
<node pkg="robot_pose_ekf" type="robot_pose_ekf" name="robot_pose_ekf">
<param name="output_frame" value="odom"/>
<param name="base_footprint_frame" value="base_footprint"/>
<param name="freq" value="30.0"/>
<param name="sensor_timeout" value="1.0"/>
<param name="odom_used" value="true"/>
<param name="imu_used" value="true"/>
<param name="vo_used" value="false"/>
<param name="gps_used" value="false"/>
<param name="debug" value="false"/>
<param name="self_diagnose" value="false"/>
<!-- Map File -->
<arg name="map_file" default="/home/ris/catkin_ws/maps/test.yaml"/>
<!-- Map Server -->
<!-- Publish: /map, /map_metadata -->
<node pkg="map_server" name="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(arg map_file)" />
<!-- Add AMCL example for differential drive robots for Localization -->
<!-- Subscribe: /scan, /tf, /initialpose, /map -->
<!-- Publish: /amcl_pose, /particlecloud, /tf -->
<include file="$(find amcl)/examples/amcl_diff.launch"/>
<!-- Move Base Node -->
<!-- Subscribe: /move_base_simple/goal -->
<!-- Publish: /cmd_vel -->
<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen">
<rosparam file="$(find navstack)/param/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap"/>
<rosparam file="$(find navstack)/param/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap"/>
<rosparam file="$(find navstack)/param/local_costmap_params.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap"/>
<rosparam file="$(find navstack)/param/global_costmap_params.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap"/>
<rosparam file="$(find navstack)/param/base_local_planner_params.yaml" command="load"/>
'Project > RIS' 카테고리의 다른 글
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[RIS] Navigation 관련 문제 (2/24 해결) (0) | 2023.01.27 |
[RIS] 1/10 (cv2를 통한 rviz map 생성) (0) | 2023.01.10 |
[RIS] CURT 작성 초안 (0) | 2023.01.10 |
[RIS] 1/9 (initial pose/goal, odometry publisher, ekf) (0) | 2023.01.09 |